Sunday, 24 October 2010

Review by Ali Afshar

Maryam observes life surrounding her , absorbs it and with no prejudice translates it to images.

The result is just astonishing.

She does not follow any fashion or art movements past or present; she is unique and true to her inner feelings.

Maryam's works at times are drawn meticulously with an incredible attention to detail and a painstaking craftsmanship and at other with fast brush strokes.Sometimes there are happy vivid colours and at times dark and sad colours, but the work is always beautiful, not decorative, the sense of space and over all balance is just right.

The ideas and colours seem to form as she progresses with no preset format. There is always a premiere plan, which is the main subject ,then she proceeds to fill the background and surrounding areas with minor and secondary images and icons which at first glance one has the impression that they are irrelevant to the main subject but this is where the viewer has to look very carefully to understand Maryam and to get an insight into her complex thoughts about life and herself.

Every image in the picture is carefully thought through and placed exactly where she wants it.
She unconsciously opens and gives herself up. She is full of life, happy and sweet; She makes her comments to life with a bitter sweet and innocent look. Life is not always sweet, there are bitter and difficult moments too, but Maryam does not succumb, she loves and enjoy it and conquers life.

She is in control.

In Some works there are images of freaks and the amputees, but again they are tender and lovable people and there are no ugly or hateful images.

Her work is a diary of her life ,a documentation of inner thoughts and feelings. The remembrance of things which have touched her thoughts and her young and rich life.

Presence of women and Hejab in many of her works is not a political statement or because it has become fashionable to do so. She is only documenting and reviewing it since she has been directly touched by it and has tasted its power .

The present and her wishes for the future can also be found in her works.She is expressing herself by the means of her pencils and brushes and she is doing it an a fantastic way

Ali Afshar
March 2009

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